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  • Why choose ABC Enrichment?
    At ABC Enrichment, we understand the importance of addressing the specific learning challenges that students with special needs may face. Our tutor is an experienced special needs teacher who has a deep understanding of the academic needs of these students. We take a personalized approach by creating individualized plans tailored to the exact needs of each student. This includes identifying strengths and weaknesses, accommodating different learning styles, and implementing strategies to support their educational journey. By focusing on the specific requirements of each student, we are able to provide a supportive and enriching learning environment that fosters growth and success.
  • Who do we service?
    We work with all students, regardless of their ability level, in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. Whether your child needs extra support in a specific subject or is looking to be challenged with advanced material, our experienced tutors are committed to meeting the individual needs of each student.
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